As part of my OFII convocation, I was referred by the OFII counselor to register with Pôle Emploi.

PÔLE EMPLOI is a French government body that helps jobseekers, like me, find work. They provide counseling, trainings, etc. They are also responsible in organizing the unemployment benefits payment to jobseekers who have paid into the system. Their website can also be used to search for jobs.

In order to register with the service, you must go to the website of Pôle Emploi at The entire process is in French, so if you are having difficulty with the language, you can ask your partner or a good friend to help you. My husband was the one who helped me answer the questionnaires and guided me to fill in information such as work experiences, skills and competence, numero de sécurité sociale, relevé d'identité bancaire (RIB), etc. You can also refer to your French CV to speed up the registration process.

At the end of the registration you will be asked to choose the date and time for an interview. You will receive the appointment confirmation by e-mail.

Few days after my online registration, I received the following letters by mail from Pôle Emploi:

✉️ Notification d'inscription
✉️ Convocation premier entretien
✉️Notification de Rejet ARE (Refus de l'allocation d'Aide au Retour à l'Emploi)

They also sent my code personnel and numéro identifiant in order for me to access my actual Pôle emploi account.

Meeting with Pôle Emploi

My husband accompanied me on the appointment day. I brought the letters from Pôle emploi, my passport, diploma/certificates, French CV, list of French companies I recently applied to, etc.

We were received by a Pôle Emploi advisor. During the meeting, we discussed the details  of my online profile and she instructed me how to search and apply for work using their website. She also advised me to complete and improve my profile competence, to obtain an Attestation de comparabilité through ENIC-NARIC to recognize my qualifications in France , and to register to several employment agencies. She informed me that it is important to do l’actualisation mensuelle du Pôle Emploi, it is a monthly update of your Pôle emploi profile to keep your account active and to confirm that you are still looking for work. Finally, she registered me for a free French course under the Clefs des savoirs citoyens program.

The whole interview is in French by the way. Luckily my husband was allowed to be with me in the meeting room to help me understerstand more and ask questions.

At the end of the meeting I received a livret d'accueil and the following letters:

By hand
✉️ Notification d'élaboration du PPAE
✉️ Synthèse entretien

Via my online account
✉️ Notification d'actualisation du PPAE

A week after my meeting with Pôle emploi, I received a letter of invitation from a training agency called Institut Régional de Formation et de Ressources en Education Permanente (IRFREP) for my French course.
