CARTE VITALE is an electronic French health insurance card that you will use when you see a health professional (doctor, dentist, etc.).

The time I received my permanent numero de securite sociale, I also received another letter from CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurances Maladie) asking me to send a photo and proof of identity to obtain my Carte Vitale. The letter states the two possible ways to send those requirements, it can be par courrier or by uploading it on your account. I opted to send it by mail because I don't have Ameli account during that time. I provided a photocopy of my passport data page and placed my passport size photo and affixed my signature on the form they provided.

I received my carte vitale two weeks after I mailed the requirements.

Hooray! I am now under the French universal system healthcare or the Protection Universelle Maladie (PUMA). is a government website portal where you can see the history of your appointments, reimbursements, etc. for the French health insurance program.

I set up my account on using my permanent social security number. But in order for me to access my personal account, I have to obtain the code which they will send by mail. 

I received the 4-digit code 9 days after application, it finally allows me to access my Ameli account.

Carte Européenne d’Assurance Maladie

Today, I requested for a Carte Européenne d’Assurance Maladie (CEAM) through my Ameli account. It is a European health card that you can use as your insurance coverage when you travel within the EU. I will let you know as soon as I received it.

Update: Happy to inform you that I received my CEAM today, it came two weeks after I requested it. Here it is:

CMU Protection Complémentaire

I recently requested for a free supplementary universal health insurance coverage called Couverture Maladie Universelle Complémentaire (CMUC). If you are granted with a CMUC, your medical expenses are fully covered. The fee is waived for all your medical and dental treatments. But I haven't received any news from CPAM as of the moment, I will let you know once I got an update. Hoping for the best!

Update: My request for a CMUC has been approved! The result came out more than a month after requesting it.
