As a spouse of French citizen residing in France holding a long sejour visa, you are eligible for French national healthcare coverage. You must be oriented about it by the OFII counselor during your OFII visit. But in order for you to acquire the benefits of this public health insurance you must have:

✍ lived in France for three months or longer
✍ numéro de sécurité sociale
✍ carte vitale
✍ relevé d’identité bancaire (RIB)
✍ required paperworks, which I will discuss later

I am writing based on my personal experience and I hope this post would be of help as a guide to anyone who’s in a similar situation as I was trying to obtain numéro de securite sociale and carte vitale.

NUMERO DE SECURITE SOCIALE is your unique identification number for the French healthcare system.  You must register through your local CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie) to obtain this number.

You can ask your local CPAM to add you to your spouse's coverage as a dependent or if you are already working, your employer can help you get it for you. But in my case, I applied for my numéro de sécurité sociale individually as a resident and not as dependent to my husband's coverage.

I went to Les Permanences d’Accès aux Soins de Santé (PASS) of our commune to seek assistance in obtaining my numéro de sécurité sociale instead of applying directly to CPAM, as advised by my mother-in-law. Because she said that applications coming from PASS will be prioritized by CPAM.

During my appointment with PASS, the staff who assisted me was kind enough to fill out the form on my behalf, all I need to do was to sign it and submit the supporting documents. Here is the list of paperworks I provided:

☑ Signed Demande d’ouverture des droits à l’assurance maladie form
☑ Photocopy of my passport data page
☑ Photocopy of my long sejour visa
☑ Photocopy of Acte de mariage
Attestation d'hébergement written and signed by my spouse

She did not ask for my Acte de naissance and RIB (French bank account details) yet. After our meeting she informed me that she will mail my application to CPAM as soon as possible and that I will receive a response from CPAM within two weeks.

💡TIP #1: Seek help from Les Permanences d’Accès aux Soins de Santé (PASS) of your town to speed up the processing of your request for numéro de securite sociale and carte vitale

Twelve days later, I received a letter from CPAM requesting me to mail my Acte de naissance.

Since they did not mention that they need the original copy, I sent the photocopy of my DFA authenticated NSO Birth Certificate and French translation the next day. Within two weeks, I received another letter from CPAM informing me that they are not accepting the copy of Acte de naissance I mailed them. So I immediately mailed my original DFA authenticated NSO Birth Certificate and photocopy of French translation.

💡TIP #2: To avoid delay, you must include the ORIGINAL copy of your Acte de naissance and French translation on the submission of your application

During this period, I opened a bank account under my name in Crédit Agricole to obtain RIB. I mailed a copy of my RIB to PASS afterwards.

Two weeks after, CPAM returned my original Acte de naissance (and the translation) with a letter stating my permanent numéro de sécurité sociale. Whew! 😅

The next procedure is to obtain the Carte Vitale. This is easier.

Related blog post:
