I am currently attending the complimentary French course provided by Pôle Emploi. The language course is facilitated by the agency called I nstitut Régional de Formation et de Ressources en Education Permanente (IRFREP) under t he F ormation Clefs des Savoirs Citoyens program. I t is an 18-hour per week course that will run for 6 months. Click image to enlage I presented the following requirements on my first day of class: 👉 Passport 👉Copy of Attestation de droits à l'assurance maladie (can be dowloaded from your Ameli online account) 👉Copy of Avis de situation Pôle Emploi (can be dowloaded from your Pôle emploi online account) My e nseignant took all the documents and asked me to complete some forms. I can say that the lessons and paper activities are very helpful and enjoyable because I have a dedicated teacher and an amiable group of French learners coming from different parts of the world. Aller au boulot! 🌍🇫🇷📝 Related blog post...